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Language Albanian: Names And Words

Description:modern Albanian, the language of the European country Albania on the Balkans
Hitparade series:Albania, Albania prevalence

Websites and pages about Albanian given names are still rare on the the Internet and offer mostly only simple name lists without any information about meanings and origins, like e.g. the following list. Thus this page here with Albanian names plus information about many of them is special.

Some of the names made it into the hitparade of the 700 most frequent names for newborns in Switzerland in the year 1997 (female: Switzerland 1997, male: Switzerland 1997). These names are probably quite frequent as well in Albania, in Kosovo and other regions where Albanians live.

WordLanguageTranslationsName Groups
valëAlbanianthe waveValbon/Valbona, Valdete, Valdrin, Valmir/Valmira, Valon
valonAlbanianto seetheValon
vetëtimëAlbanianthe lightningVeton
visarAlbanianthe depositoryVisar
vjollcaAlbanianthe violaVjollca
yllAlbanianthe starBardhyl, Ilir, Ylli/Yllka
Albanianthe voiceZamir/Zamira