Meaning: maybe the torch
Gender: female
Languages of use: Spanish, Italian
Diminutives: Ilinca
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Meaning/translation: the torch (?)
Language of origin: Old Greek
in Greek mythology Helen is the daughter of Zeus and Leda; her kidnapping was the cause of the Trojan war
the origin of the name is uncertain; possibly related to Old Greek helene (torch)
Words: helene = the torch Old Greek
Name variants: Alenka, Aliona, Alyona, Elaina, Elaine, Élaine, Elayna, Elen, Elena, Eléna, Elene, Eleni, Eléni, Elenia, Elenie, Elin, Elín, Elina, Elle, Ellen, Helen, Helena, Helene, Hélène, Hellen, Ileana, Ilena, Ilinca, Ilka, Ilke, Illona, Ilona, Ilonka, Jela, Jelena, Jelka, Lainey, Laney, Leena, Lena, Léna, Leni, Lenia, Lenio, Lenja, Lenka, Lenna, Leny, Lenya, Nelli